Chemo: Round 2

September 2, 2020

Well, I survived round 2 of chemo. I went into this round trying to bring as much positive energy as I could, hoping to avoid the negative side effects from the first treatment. We took some different efforts to avoid the headaches, including using different pre-chemo meds, staying on anti-histamines every day, adjusting the rate of the chemo drugs and going 2 days post-chemo for extra IV fluids.

I woke up Saturday with only a slight headache, but knew what meds had helped previously. (Sudafed surprisingly) I was able to get into the weekend feeling pretty great. That being said, this weekend also brought what I knew would be my biggest personal hurdle. My hair! The hair loss started quickly in this journey, and once it began it was hard to keep up with. I did make it through the weekend, but last night what remained of my hair was tangled into a big clump. So, I had a big cry, held my sons hand, and had my daughter cut my hair off.

It was as emotional as I knew it would be, and this morning it was rough trying to navigate how to wear my wig and be able to look at the stranger in the mirror. I made it. I feel strong, and I know this is all part of the process, whether I want to go through it or not. I had to face my fears and accept this part of the journey. I certainly will take some tears and hair loss over this demon and its serious side effects any day. Still fighting and still winning!
